Imp Catcher


A Game of beads

Become a master of all four beads.
Quest Information
Members only: What is membership?
Start point: Wizard Tower top floor
To Start: Speak to Wizard Mizgog
Quest Length: short
Minimum Requirements:
  • There are no requirements

To get started head over to the wizard's tower near Draynor Village.

Once you are there speak with Wizard Mizgog, and ask for a quest. Make sure you ask nicely. Once you have asked he will say that imps have stolen his beads. He is missing a red, yellow, white, and black bead. The length of this quest completely is up to you. If you are an ironman, you will need to kill imps for the beads. You can find a good amount of imps on the volcano in Karamja. Otherwise, if you are a normal account you can do the same or buy them off of the grand exchange.

Once you have turned the beads in he'll take them and the quest will be over.